Along with many other people with financial problems who need a quick cash solution between R5 00 and R6 000 based on your affordability.
Easy Money Cash Loans charge you nothing, but save you the hassle of wasting time searching for instant payday loans online during your hour of desperation. Let Easy Money Cash Loans fast forward to finding you a fast loan to suit your needs.
How? By simply applying online then faxing or emailing all the necessary documents of a two months bank statement, your latest Payslip, copy of your ID and proof of residence then wait on their approval.
Interest and Fees
Interest rate is fixed for the duration of the loan agreement and will only run from the date that the money is actually paid over to you and not from the date that the quote is given to you. Loan repayment is done via a debit order from your bank account.
Easy Money Cash Loans is registered with the National Credit Regulator (“NCR”) and subscribes to the National Credit Act. Should you wish to lodge a complaint, you can do so by contacting the NCR directly on their toll free number, 0860 627 627 or calling Easy Money cash Loans on 083 785 9874.
For further contact
Visit Easy Money Cash Loans at their Physical Address No. 89 Umbilo Road, Durban or call them on 031 201 3063 / 031 301 7042