Browsing: apps

Although not currently available in SA, Youtube music has made its debut and already has 101 Million subscribers… Now available in the US, Australia, New Zealand,…

Top budget management app Planning your budget requires tracking your spending, monitoring your credit, and paying your debts back. Spending tracker BEST FOR: BUDGETING With this…

Benefits of finance tracking apps Exciting new finance tracking apps and services come to market every week. But for them to be of benefit to you,…

Spending tracker app for apple Historically South African consumers were notoriously known for their poor saving and big spending using money they don’t actually have. But…

Managing your finances can be very challenging, it requires some technical know-how from finance experts. Meanwhile, the invent of technology has made things easier taking into…

The “Yethu” Stokvel App, created by young entrepreneurs from Cape Town has introduced an innovative way to bridge digital transformation and the stokvel industry. Available on…

Popular navigation app Waze has recently introduced a new feature that lets users record their own voice.  The application has experimented with plenty of celebrity voices,…