In March 2016 we saw the release of the new Apple iPhone. Dubbed the Apple iPhone SE (Special Edition) this phone is Apple’s attempt at increasing market share by tapping into the mid-range smartphone market.
The good news is that this means that the phone is available at a lower price.
So what else makes it really worth getting the new Apple iPhone?
If you’re trying to decide whether it’s worth moving from iPhone 6 to an iPhone SE, the size will be an important factor. The iPhone SE has retained the general design of the iPhone 5S, but it comes in a compact 4 inch size. If you love having a phone that fits into your pocket or purse easily, then the new Apple iPhone may be for you. Viewing images and video may be a bit of a hassle if you’re used to the larger screen size of the iPhone 6.
The iPhone SE looks like an iPhone 5, but it has twice the power. Thanks to the A9 chip that is installed, the phone is just as fast as the iPhone 6S.
It has a fingerprint scanner but no 3D Touch support. Its Multi Touch capabilities are also slightly slower than the iPhone 6S.
Battery life is quite impressive – the iPhone SE outperforms the iPhone 5S and the 6S. The phone has 2GB of RAM and it also has Apple Pay support.
The 1.2 MP Face Time camera will be disappointing for selfie addicts. Pictures are likely to appear grainy. The 4K camera on the other hand allows users to create crisp HD videos.
The phone is also limited to two storage tiers (16GB and 64GB), so you might have a hard time saving more than 3 minutes of your 4K videos.
Overall an excellent phone for the price, getting the new Apple iPhone is worth it if you love the compact size, fast processor and better camera. If you prefer the bigger display size and can’t do without your 3D Touch, rather wait for the iPhone 7.