If you’re facing a financial dilemma Mpowa Finance Loans may be the ideal solution for you. If you’ve exhausted all your other options of getting access to extra cash, getting a personal loan may just serve you well. Mpowa Finance Loans are short term solutions that are designed to cater to your pressing financial problems.
With Mpowa Finance Loans you can get access to finance which could help you meet your short term financial needs. This may include a rent expense you have, or a medical bill you need to settle. Paying for your child’s school fees or for emergency home renovations can be much simpler with a personal loan from Mpowa Finance.
How can I apply for Mpowa Finance Loans?
- Visit the Mpowa Finance website and fill in an online application form.
- Mpowa Finance will do a credit check and an affordability assessment.
- If you qualify for a loan, a contract will then be emailed to you.
- You will be required to upload 3 months’ bank statements as well as the signed contract.
- A Mpowa Finance consultant will call you for a voice-recorded contract finalisation.
What can I get from Mpowa Finance?
Mpowa Finance provides loans of up to R2500 in an easy, convenient manner. You can expect cash the same day as your application. As long as you apply for the loan before 3pm, you can expect the loan by 5pm on the same day.
You can renew your loan every month, as long as the previous loan has been repaid. There are no fees charged for renewal of the loan.
The application process is completely done online, saving you valuable time because you can do it in the comfort of your home or without having to leave your office.
To find out how you can benefit from Mpowa Finance Loans, call them here: 012 844-0438.