When one thinks of labour they translate it to work, a labourer is someone who works. And there’s great pride in being able to work and utilise your skills and training to earn a living.
For workers, increased productivity can translate to higher wages and better working conditions. Because of people who are skilled or professional labours these people have usually invested the most in their careers which makes them the highest wage earners.
They’re individuals with the highest level of knowledge-based education and managerial skills. Includes workers who can operate complex equipment, they can perform their tasks with minimal supervision.
They’ll receive increased human capital, especially in areas like training and education; this means a higher wage for their work. Skilled labour examples include: Chefs. While Professional Labours examples include: Doctors, Scientists, Lawyers and Corporate Executives.
And in the longer term, increased productivity is key to job creation. When a labourer enriches their skills, they’ve a higher chance of obtaining work. Skills development is now a priority for companies. In this way, when employees enrich their skills, the company can also promote from within.
This then leads to the strengthening of a business by recruiting and hiring top labour. Businesses, gain increased productivity bringing higher profit and opportunity for more investment. Employers can work hand-in-hand with the business to achieve company goals. With good working conditions, benefits and rights, employees become more cheerful in their jobs and they become positive about their prospects in the business.