South Africa is a middle income,emerging market with an abundant supply of natural resources, well developed financial,legal,communications,energy and transport sectors.In this context,increasing the number of researchers and enhancing research and innovation skills and outputs could contribute positively to improving South Africa’s economy and job creation efforts. One organisation that taken keen interest in innovation and entrepreneurship is the Bertha Centre.
The Bertha Centre for Social Innovation and Entreprenuership is the first academic centre in Africa dedicated to advancing social innovation and entrepreneurship. Established in 2011 and operating under the auspices of the University Of Cape Town,this centre has several programme areas such as Education Innovation, Inclusive Health Innovation,Innovative Finance and ScaleShift.
The Bertha Education Initiative works to improve education outcomes in low-income communities.The goal is to advance the education sector in Africa by sharing knowledge and supporting collective action. Healthcare Innovation partners with front-line healthcare staff,students and entrepreneurs to develop appropriate solutions capable of improving care for patients.
Innovation Finance initiative partners with governments, enterprises and investors to research,incubate and test promising social financing vehicles across Africa.Through various platforms, this initiative sees philanthropists, development banks, asset managers and social entrepreneurs.
ScaleShift is designed for social change practitioners currently involved in or considering scaling your work,academics interested in exploring the relationship between local social innovation and large scale system transformation, facilitators, consultants or funders supporting social purpose organisations and projects.
To access any of these innovation facilities, Bertha Centre can be contacted on 0214061524.