Clientele Loans benefits may get you convince you consider this institution as your first option when you are facing a financial crisis. Getting a loan may be helpful in such circumstances and Clientele Loans may have just the right solution for your needs.
What are the benefits associated with Clientele Loans?
You are able to get access to funds of up to R120 000.
These loans are available from R3000 to R120 000 in increments of R1000.
You have a flexible repayment period of between 18 and 60 months.
Once approved for the loan you can get access to the funds within 48 hours.
You are able to benefit from fixed interest rates for the full term of the loan period. Your monthly installment remains the same throughout the period and is unaffected by changes in the prime interest rate.
Loan applications are quick and easy. To apply for Clientele Loans you can simply complete the process online or you can call the call centre on 0861 354 354. You can call 7 days a week from 8am to 8pm. You can also complete a Call-Me-Back Form and a Clientele Consultant will call you back and complete the process with you.
Loans are unsecured, so you are able to focus on repaying the loan solely without having to worry about putting surety up in the form of an asset.
There are no face-to-face interviews. Everything can be done online or telephonically.
Upon approval, you can expect a direct deposit of the full loan amount to be made into your bank account.
Loans are subject to personal credit profiles.
A Personal Protection Plan is included.
The cost of living is constantly rising. With Clientele Loans benefits you are able to use the funds for school fees, car repairs, renovations or account consolidation, etc.
What do you need to qualify for Clientele Loans?
- Be 18 years or older
- Be a South African resident
- Earn a monthly salary of at least R2500 per month
- Have clear credit references
- Provide a valid SA I.D.
- Have a bank account into which your salary is paid