A credit bureau can be described as a company that collects information from various sources and provides consumer credit information on individual consumers for a variety of uses. A credit bureau among other things promotes and facilitates a data sharing culture amongst the subscribers, provides users with accurate information and solutions to support objective application processing models and ultimately helps the lenders reduce the risk of granting loans to clients likely to default. One institution playing this role in South Africa is Compuscan.
Established in 1994, this firm has emerged as a reputable and trustworthy credit bureau, committed to providing total credit reporting and risk management solutions throughout the credit life-cycle.This firm has evolved over the years from being a local credit information agency to a full service credit bureau delivering solutions to a range of institutions in markets across Africa, including: mainstream banks, micro-finance institutions, micro-lenders, utility companies, co-operatives and credit unions.
As a full service credit bureau, Compuscan offers a range of comprehensive datasets which offer a holistic view of consumer and business information. Our data includes account/repayment information, previous enquiries, identification and contactability information, public domain information, collections information, default adverse information, debt restructuring information, commercial/business credit information, property information and director information. In addition, this firms data includes bureau scores, employment histories, bank codes, securities information, trade references and fraud information to assist businesses to make the most informed decisions.
Compuscan can be contacted on 0218886000.