Cell C launched its Buy-Out contract offer on 13 May. The move was bent on offering to buy out the existing contracts of subscribers who change from a competing mobile network to one of its new “Epic” packages.
As such, the network provider will pay migrating customers up to R10, 000 – depending on which Epic contract they take – to cancel their contract with Vodacom, MTN, or Telkom.
This awesome offer is programmed to end on 30 September 2015, but Cell C pointed out that this is just to make sure the Contract Buy-Out works, and isn’t gamed by would-be fraudsters.
Worth mentioning is that Cell C does oblige subscribers to surrender their old phones when migrating to it, it pays out the Buy-Out value in full – enabling users to keep what is left over after paying their contract cancellation fee.
How is the process done?
The process begins with submitting your cancellation quote from your current service provider to Cell C. Once you’ve applied to migrate your contract to Cell C, it begins the port of your number and gives you a general purpose prepaid card.
No credit is included on the prepaid card.
Upon confirming the authenticity of the port request with your old operator, your number should be transferred within 24 hours. As soon as the port is successful, a user will be given an SMS stating that they have been migrated, and that the Buy-Out allowance has been transferred to their prepaid card. Subscribers can then use the card to pay the contract cancellation fee, or part thereof, and pocket the difference.
The below information will furnish users on the fees incurred during the process:
Epic contract Fee Airtime/features Post-paid Buy-Out Value Hybrid Buy-Out value
Epic 100 R69 R100 – –
Epic 150 R99 R150 – –
Epic 200 R129 R200 R1, 000 –
Epic 350 R229 R350 R2, 500 –
Epic 500 R339 R500 R4, 000 R4, 000
Epic 650 R449 R650 R6, 000 R6, 000
Epic 1000 R699 R1, 000 R10,000 R10,000
Epic Infinity R999 Unlimited calls + SMS, 3GB data R10, 000