When you’re looking for a fast solution to your cash problems, the best option you can get is a payday loan. These loans are ideal for meeting your short term financial needs. This could be a financial emergency, paying for funeral arrangements, paying for an unexpected medical bill or maybe you need to cover some rent costs for the month.
Isidingo Financial Services strives to provide clients with fast, flexible solutions to meet such needs in the form of a payday loan.
Tell me more about Loanshop?
Loanshop is a payday loan offered by Isidingo Financial Services.
Loans are offered from R500 to R3000.
This loan is granted based on an affordability assessment. If you are approved, you can expect the money to be paid directly into your bank account on the same day.
Interest on the loan is calculated daily, so it is better to repay it as soon as your next payday arrives. This can be done by arranging simple debit order.
Isidingo Financial Services is registered with the NCR, so all fees are charged as regulated by the NCR. Isidingo Financial Services is fully compliant with the National Credit Act.
Once you have the cash, you have the freedom to address your urgent financial needs.
The simple online application process ensures that you don’t have to waste time waiting in long queues. You don’t have to fill in any lengthy paperwork either.
Credit Life Insurance is included in the loan instalment. This covers your outstanding debt in the event of your retrenchment, disability or death. Isidingo Financial Services also offers your family a R5000 benefit.
Call Isidingo Financial Services on: 012 440 9111 or email them here: info@loansshop.co.za
Visit their website here: www.loanshop.co.za