Do you need cash in advance to help you grow your business? Of course you do and that’s what Nedbank Gap Access is there for, providing you with cash for small businesses when it’s needed most.
Nedbank understands the challenges that small business owners often encounter and has created this unique offering to help business owners navigate their way. As more often than not, small business owners are faced with the challenge of finding access to cash that can help them get their business off the ground.
If you’ve a turnover need of at least R1 million per annum you’ll qualify for Nedbank Gap Access. Then sign up and get approval on your advance. And there’s minimal paperwork involved, so you can save a lot of time and money in the process.
And once you’ve paid the advance back. You can get another advance once you’ve paid off 60% of your existing advance.
Ensure that your company always has a healthy cash flow, by signing up for Nedbank Gap Access. An offering that’s easily accessible through a card available to businesses that accept cards as payment with the advance of funds and repayment terms linked directly to card turnover, through the Point of Sale (POS) device.
Nedbank Gap Access it’s an alternative to the traditional business loan. Making it easy to access cash advance to bolster working capital and therefore transforming the day to day financial business operations.
Customers are further able to pay funds borrowed back over a much shorter period of time instead of being tied to facilities they may not need or ones that hamper their credit record. And the offering is also not linked to interest rates, as there’s a facility fee calculated up front and this cannot fluctuate during the period of the repayment of the advance.
To apply, click here.