Nedbank Personal Loans are ideal for giving you access to funds during your time of need. For those financially crippling months when you need an extra hand, Nedbank Personal Loans are there to give you the help you need.
How can I get Nedbank Personal Loans?
There is a 3 step application that simplifies thing for you.
- Apply online, visit a branch or call 0860 103 582
- Nedbank will check if you qualify
- Upon approval, the funds are deposited directly into your bank account
It’s advisable to use the handy Personal Loan Payment Calculator provided by Nedbank. This will help you calculate whether you will be able to afford the loan repayments throughout the tenure or not. This tool is ideal for guiding you in terms of what you are likely to be repaying and based on your income and expenses, what you can realistically afford.
How much can I qualify for?
With Nedbank Personal Loans you can qualify for loan amounts of between R1000 and R120 000. Through monthly debit orders, repayments can be made. Loan terms range from 12, 24, 36, 48 and 60 months to repay.
What are the qualifying criteria?
- You need to be permanently employed under a contract (not self-employed)
- You need to earn a minimum salary of R2000 per month
- You must have a salary that is deposited into your valid South African bank account
What documents are required?
- Latest 3 months’ bank statements
- Most recent payslip
- Valid South African I.D.
- Proof of residence
You can use the loan for anything you need. You can use it to pay for unexpected medical bills, for family emergencies that stretch you financially such as a funeral or to pay for your child’s school fees. Repayment periods are reasonable and allow you to repay the loans at a pace that doesn’t strain your pocket too much.
Visit the Nedbank website here: