With Personal Loans 123 as a personal seeking an extra boost of cash, you are assured of low interest rates and high approval rates. This institution has easy repayment terms and flexible lending criteria, giving you the financial freedom you need to meet your needs.
How much can I get from Personal Loans 123?
Loans are available from R5000 up to as much as R150 000. Loans are repayable from 1 to 60 months, giving you enough time to repay while ensuring that you don’t strain your budget too much.
As an institution that is fully compliant with regulations set out by the National Credit Act, Personal Loans 123 supplies individuals who can comfortably afford repayments, with financial assistance.
How can I get a loan from Personal Loans 123?
- Simply visit the Personal Loans 123 website here: personalloans123.co.za and apply.
- When you apply, you will be emailed back an approval in principal (if you qualify) within a few minutes.
- After you have sent all required documentation, you could have your loan paid into your account within 48 hours.
- Interest rates are based on individual applications and are set out according to guidelines set by the NCA and will never exceed these rates.
- The process is confidential and completely secure, giving you peace of mind. You don’t even have to leave your home or workplace to apply online – saving you time and travel costs.
Why choose Personal Loans 123?
- Like its name, Personal Loans 123 gives individuals access to cash instantly. It really is as easy as 1, 2,3.
- You get loan solutions which are tailored to suit your individual needs.
- Repayments terms are flexible, giving you options to repay in a time frame that is comfortable for you.
- You have access to finance to meet short term needs like paying your rent for the month, or even replacing a burst geyser. Whatever it is you spend your money on, the decision is up to you.