Standard Bank Personal Loans are financial solutions designed to assist individuals in need of some extra cash. They are ideal for when you need a financial boost to take care of financial emergencies, or if you need to pay for educational costs or even pay for home renovations. Standard Bank is a leading banking institution in South Africa and provides a range of products and services including transactional solutions, investment solutions and credit solutions.
Standard Bank Personal Loans are available from R500 up to R40 000 and clients are given between 3 and 42 months to repay. Offered at highly competitive interest rates, these loans are dependent on individual credit risk.
What are the qualifying criteria?
- You need to be a South African citizen
- You need to have a valid South African I.D.
- Be between the ages of 18 and 65 years
- Have a transactional account from any bank where your salary is deposited
- Be permanently employed
- Earn a minimum salary of R1000 per month
Repayments are made monthly via debit order. These repayments are fixed, giving you the opportunity to budget better as you’ll know exactly how much you need to repay per month. Standard Bank also offers quick, hassle-free applications which can be done online or by visiting any Standard Bank branch nationwide.
If you have the funds to pay off the entire loan amount sooner than expected and you wish to settle the loan, you can rest assured that you won’t be charged an early settlement penalty.
Once you have been approved and the loan terms have been finalised, the funds are paid straight into your current account.
Revolving Credit Plan:
This offer allows you to re-borrow loan funds once 15% of the loan has been paid. You can get access to between R6000 and R120 000.
Standard Bank includes Credit Life Insurance with all personal loans. This provides cover for the loan balance in the event of death, permanent or temporary disability or retrenchment.
Visit the website to apply for Standard Bank Personal Loans
Online loan calculator.