Standard Bank Study Loans provide a portal to getting access to education. Getting an education empowers people and enables people to make better lives for themselves and their families. The rising costs of getting an education have however left many people feeling despondent and hopeless. But there are ways to get help to fulfil your educational goals.
Standard Bank Study Loans help to fulfill educational dreams. The loans provide students with funds to enable them to pay for tuition, accommodation and school equipment. The interest rate charged is dependent on your qualification. To repay the loan a debit order facility can be arranged.
Full Time Students:
As a full time student you are only expected to repay your loan once your studies are completed. During your studies you will only be repaying monthly interest rates.
Part Time Students:
As a part time student you need to repay your loan while you’re actually studying. Monthly repayments will be deducted by debit order.
Standard Bank offers a grace period for students who have to complete articles or internships. If you qualify for the loan it will be deposited directly into the institution’s account where you are studying. If there is a balance it’s transferred into your Standard bank transactional account so you can use it for other study-related needs. You will be required to re-apply for a loan for each year of registration.
The course you are studying for must be SAQA, SETA, DHE or Umalusi accredited for consideration.
What is required for application?
- Valid I.D.
- Proof of residence
- Proof of registration
- Latest results
How can you apply?
If you are above the age of 18 years, apply here
If you are under the age of 18 years you need to apply in branch
When applying for a degree or diploma your surety should earn a minimum amount of R3000 per month. For other courses your surety should earn at least R5000 per month. If you’re a part time student earning R5000 or more, you don’t require a surety to apply on your behalf.
Call Standard Bank here: 0860 123 000
Online loan calculator.