It’s always better to gain employment from an early age and as young people you can choose to work in part time employment as a casual at retail store, become a waiter/waitress or a tutor by teaching extra lessons of maybe math’s to students who need it.
It’s also possible to make money from doing what you love, whether you enjoy baking, sewing or photography you can turn your hobby into a business and choose to pay yourself.
Turning your hobby into a business can be challenging, but here’s how to go about it.
You need to be passionate about your hobby
Instead of doing something that you think will make you money, focus on what you enjoy because this will give you greater satisfaction and eventually more success.
Identify your skills
Then decide how you can best apply them to do something unique. Think out the box and produce new ideas as doing something different will attract more customers.
Be innovative
Do some research by asking your friends, neighbours and relatives if they’d be interested in your product or service, doing this will show if there’s a demand for the business you want to launch.
Hone your skills
Find ways to improve your abilities. You could do this by taking courses or finding a mentor.
Once you have a customer base
Ask them for feedback on areas where they think you can improve then take steps to stay ahead of competition.