A weight loss program should ideally be set out to last for a particular number of months. Starting out can initially be challenging and intimidating, but with determination, you can achieve your goals step by step.
To achieve sustainable weight loss, start by performing only one set of each exercise and rest for at least 30 seconds before doing the next exercise.
For best results, do the exercises at least twice during the week and once during the weekend. Don’t push too hard, so you can avoid injury and allow your body to get enough rest.
Your exercise program for week 1 should be light but challenging enough to get you out of breath and working the body towards a more rigorous program in the coming weeks.
Here’s a simple weight loss exercise program for the first week of your exercise program:
Bird Dog:
Start on all fours. You position your knees underneath your hips. You will move the opposite arm and leg simultaneously. Slowly lengthen the left leg until it’s long and strong. Lift the leg off the floor until its parallel to the floor. Slowly raise and strengthen the right arm, until its parallel to the floor. Alternate sides and keep the abdominals engaged. Do one set of 12 repetitions. This exercise stabilises the lumbar spine (low back).
Side Plank:
Lie on your right side with your legs straight and left leg slacked. Bend your right elbow, making sure that it’s directly under your shoulders. Exhale slowly while lifting your hips and knees off the mat. Return to the starting position and do one set of 8 repetitions.
Walk for 15 minutes, 3 days of the week.
Front Plank:
Lie on your stomach with your elbows directly under your shoulder. Straighten your legs and flex your ankles. Slowly lift your torso and thighs off the ground. Keep your torso and legs tight. Avoid bending the knees and keep your shoulders away from the ears. Gently lower your body back. Do one set of 8 repetitions.