Education can be described as a process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university. It is a wealth of knowledge acquired after studying particular subject matters or experiencing life lessons that provide an understanding of something.
A brief history of education:
In the past, children educated themselves through self-directed play and exploration. According to Psychology Today: Nobody believed that children left to their own devices, even in a rich setting for learning, would all learn just exactly the lessons that they (the adults) deemed to be so important. All of them saw schooling as inculcation, the implanting of certain truths and ways of thinking into children’s minds.
Children were eventually educated through the schooling system, designed to drive education in a certain direction, to produce citizens who can contribute actively to the country’s economy.
Research has shown that proper education has the potential to increase the employability of individuals. It also improves critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
In the South African context:
South Africa has one of the highest budgetary spending allocations in the world in terms of education (20%).
Despite this, there are various challenges that continue to plague the education system in the country.
Challenges such as poverty and schooling, violence, lack of basic amenities, resource waste, constant curriculum shifts, teacher absenteeism and a lack of a culture of reading often undermine the efforts of ordinary citizens and government to improve the education system in the country.
How can the education system be fixed?
In South Africa, the education system can’t be mentioned without considering the damage caused by the apartheid system which was designed to disadvantage black individuals. Over the years, government has implemented a number of changes to address inequalities. In addition to this, more can be done to improve the education system.
- There should be an early focus on reading, writing and counting.
- Government should also introduce measures of accountability for teachers and other education officials.
- Government should ensure that there is stability in the South African education curriculum.
- There should be more support of teacher development.