Have you ever run out of money right in the middle of the month? You might not know how to get yourself out of a financial fix. Fortunately First National Bank has a facility that may be ideal for such circumstances. When you apply for an FNB Overdraft you gain access to funds when most needed.
The FNB Overdraft is a short term facility that is ideal for covering unforeseen expenses or for serving as a safety net. With an overdraft, you can use funds even when you bank balance reaches zero.
What can you get from an FNB Overdraft?
- This is a fluctuating facility so there are reduced monthly deposits
- A personalised interest rate is calculated, which is based on your credit profile
- You are charged a monthly fee of R200 if the facility is used
- You are only charged for the facility if you use it. If you don’t use it, you don’t have to pay
- The money is available immediately upon approval
- There are no minimum monthly repayments to make
FNB is known for giving clients financial solutions which are tailored to meet their individual needs. The FNB Overdraft is designed to help individuals when they need an extra boost of money and when they may not have anywhere else to turn to.
What are the qualifying criteria?
- A valid South African I.D.
- Most recent payslip
- Proof of residence
- Spousal consent (if married in Community of Property)
- Have an active FNB Cheque account
A Debt Protection Plan is offered to assist with settling the debt in cases of death or permanent disability. This insurance gives your family peace of mind when the unexpected occurs and you are unable to repay your loan.
You can apply online for an FNB Overdraft.
Simply visit the FNB website here: www.fnb.co.za. Call FNB here: 087 575 9404.