Best books on corporate finance
If you’d like to enhance your understanding of the subject of corporate finance there are plenty of books on the market to read from. But if we talk about some of the best corporate finance books, only a few make the cut. Here’s a list of selected best corporate finance books that help students, beginners as well as professionals in the field of corporate finance enhance their understanding of the subject.
Corporate Finance For Dummies
Author Michael Taillard
It’s an introductory Corporate Finance Book that’s highly recommended work on corporate finance for those new to the field. Key topics include accounting statements, cash flow, capital management, identifying and mitigating risks along with a focus on critical areas like mergers and acquisitions and valuation.
Buy Paperback UK edition from Price Check online for R328
Corporate Finance (Irwin Series in Finance)
Author: Stephen A. Ross, Randolph W. Westerfield, Jeffrey F. Jaffe
The book addresses some of the most challenging aspects of the study of corporate finance. The current updated edition offers updated information on critical issues along with illustrations of real-world examples and case studies. The book also features on Amazons Best Sellers List as well as Stephen’s other book Fundamentals of Corporate Finance.
In South Africa there’s Corporate Finance: A South African Perspective designed specifically for South African students. Throughout the book, content has been made as clear as possible by being rewritten in UK English with Africanisation. The text is designed to help readers understand the complex world of corporate finance and guides them through the theory and practice of working within the South African corporate financial environment.
Buy the book for R527
Multinational Business Finance, Global Edition
Author: David K. Eiteman, Arthur I. Stonehill, Michael H. Moffett
Authored by experts in the field, this work offers a unique understanding of decision-making and problem-solving in international corporate finance. A number of real-world cases are presented for readers to apply the principles enumerated.
Buy the Paperback, 14th revised edition for R1536 online at