Obtaining enough funds for Property Finance can be so challenging such that you will end up looking for other avenues to bankroll your needs. South Africa is a country with numerous financial firms that are ready to bail people whose needs are bent on seeking money to satisfy their needs.
RMB private bank, a division of FirstRand Bank Limited, has a team of specialists whose extensive commercial property experience can shape a financing option that meets your requirements while working to expand your investment – such a move will guarantee the most tax-efficient option for your needs.
RMB private bank offers finance for commercial investment properties, office, industrial and retail property developments, residential and upmarket housing developments, owner occupied commercial properties and upmarket residential developments.
RMB takes into consideration quite a number of aspects when one is applying for a loan, chief among them they structure the loan in your best interests while taking into account the market value of the property, the serviceability of the loan and your financial profile. Apart from that, the bank also frequently guides you to make certain optimal management of both the debt and your investment.
Single facility
RMB has an all-inclusive single facility account that makes use of debt consolidation to your benefit. It provides both debit and credit balance functionality together with transactional banking and preferential interest rates. This product has a single balance at any one time and offers you some of the following benefits:
- Current account flexibility on your account for instance debit order payments can be collected from this account while deposits made into the account will save you interest at the rate charged on your facility
- Better management of your finances to allow for fluctuation of your finances to allow for fluctuation of your facility
- Better management of your finances to allow for fluctuation of your short-term cash flow as your financial circumstances change
- A debit card, fuel card and cheque book all linked to one account, with the ability to link multiple cards and cheque books
- Internet, telephone and cellphone banking
- Individually priced interest rates on your debit balance
- The option to nominate additional users on your facility
- eBucks earned on point-of-sale purchases
- inContact, an innovative messaging system keeping you up to date on transactions