It’s no secret that the Apple brand is considered to be elitist. The high iPhone price is one of the main reasons that the company continues to have the highest profit margins in the tech industry.
Apple always prices phone models at a premium, while Android phones are considered money-savers.
What are the main factors people consider when shopping for a new smartphone?
- Price
- Usability
- Phone features
- Apps
- Overall design
There are a number of factors that affect the iPhone price. When you buy an iPhone, you are essentially buying “software assurance” in the form of iOS upgrades. Upgrades are immediate, so there is no delay for iPhone users.
You also get access to 1.5 million apps in the App store, free iMessenger, Face Time as well as Cloud services.
While a lot can be said about Apple’s iOS operating system and Android offerings, the iPhone price often takes the costs into account. Apple designs their own processors for the iPhone and the costs of the parts used are more expensive. iOS is a pleasure to use- it’s a simple and versatile operating system, with impressive speed.
Google provides the Android operating system free of charge, while Apple has its own development teams.
The iPhone price is also based on exclusivity. Many developers target Apple devices before Android, so the latest apps are often tested through Apple iPhones before other software systems.
Android users have more smartphone choices. Numerous tech companies are using Android technology in their smartphones, so consumers can choose from brands like Samsung, HTC and Huawei among others. This means that Android phones can cost a fraction of the price of an iPhone.
Meticulous design places iPhone head and shoulders above its rivals. The iPhone price is also based on this.