There is no doubt that the arrival of the Apple iPhone on the market completely transformed the technology market. While most Apple iPhone owners are proud of the exclusivity the phone offers, there are some things that work against owning the device.
No FM Radio
Although these days most people can do without radio, thanks to the large music storage space available on most devices, some people may simply prefer having the radio on their phone.
The price is high
The Apple iPhone does not come cheap. This may be why most people opt for owning an Apple iPhone on contract. Not only are you paying for a good quality phone, but also the exclusivity and status symbol offered by the Apple brand.
Non-removable battery
Some users love this and other hate this feature of the iPhone. The main inconvenience about this battery is that you can only charge the battery with the whole iPhone.
No memory card slot
With Android phones, you can expand the memory on the phone by using a memory card. The iPhone doesn’t have this feature however. If you want more space on your iPhone you have to upgrade to a better model.
No Universal Bluetooth transfer
Even though there is AirDrop, which lets you communicate with other Apple devices, sharing with other devices becomes an issue.
Basically, the iPhone can only be wholly enjoyed if you use it with another Apple product.
Poor audio recording
If there’s one major thing that the iPhone lacks it is stereo sound recording. This means that you get poor audio recording during video capture.
Poor file storage system
If you want to copy files from your iPhone to your computer you’ll need to install iTunes and set up an account.
No Universal sharing
Owning an Apple iPhone means that you can share only to the apps that the browser, photo gallery or other app specifically supports.