Every day when we’re purchasing we require a sort of payment method. This is a way that a buyer chooses to compensate the seller of a good or service that’s also acceptable to the seller.
Typical payment methods used in a modern business context include cash, cheques, credit or debit cards, money orders, bank transfers and online payment services.
Over time payment needs and methods have changed. And today an easy solution for your payment needs is considered an online payment such as PayPal. But what about some of the not so obvious easy solution for your payment needs.
There’s Digital Wallet
It’s easy because your smartphone is all you’ll need to carry for making payments.
It’s an electronic device that allows an individual to make purchases online with a computer or using a smartphone. Digital wallets can be linked to an individual’s bank account or used like a credit card.
Prepaid cards and gift cards
It’s an easy payment solution because you don’t have to deal with credit check authorisation performed on your account when processing payments against these types of cards.
There’s a cash value that’s added to the card. Once the cash value is fully utilised, the card is maxed out and no further payments can be charged to it. The customer cannot spend any more than the value on the card.
Rewards cards
It’s an easy solution for your payment needs as you can redeem your points, and buy whatever you need without having to pay a cent.
The rewards cards teach you how to stretch your money as humanly possible and make it go a long way. As you’re rewarded as a customer for your loyalty through the store Loyalty Programme, you just swipe your card to earn points when shopping. To accumulate your points until they’re in a certain value or to keep for when times are really tough.