Of all the many insurance policies that you can find to cover almost anything imaginable these days, only a handful of policies are actually ones that you need to have. Those would include life, health, vehicle or household insurance. And an Edgars Personal Funeral Plan.
Receive financial protection or reimbursement against losses from one of the most trusted names in insurance, Hollard. An insurance company that has partnered with retail store Edgars who market and sell Hollard’s policies through their stores.
This proves that Edgars not only targets the value fashion conscious customer but also the customer who wants a means of protection from financial loss.
Edgars Personal Funeral Plan covers you up to R20 000 in the unfortunate event of your passing away. For just a monthly premium of R46.50, another benefit option includes an amount insured of R10 000 for a monthly premium of R25.50.
If you have an existing R10 000 cover, you can increase your cover to R20 000 for an extra R21.00 a month without affecting your original waiting period. Waiting periods are six months for death due to natural causes and no waiting period applies for accidental death.
There’s also a memorial benefit that provides a R5000 payment in the event of the main member passing away, one year after the event.
The Edgars Personal Funeral Plan pays out over and above the existing Edgars funeral benefit should you be an Edgars Club member. To Enroll call 0860 555 334, sms ‘call me’ to 42934 or apply in-store.