‘Umlilo’ is a new etv drama series that explores a polygamous marriage and the interpersonal dramas of a family in a state of flux. The series follows the Simelane’s, a moderately affluent Johannesburg family headed by the dynamic patriarch Mnqobi, a self-made man in his 40s, who has two wives.
The drama stars three of South Africa’s most talented actresses, Nomzamo Mbatha, veteran Gcina Mkhize and Long Walk to Freedom actress Nokuthula Ledwaba. The stellar male cast includes Hamilton Dlamini, Daniel Hadebe and Thato Molamu.
Mnqobi Simelane (Hamilton Dlamini) has two wives: the first wife, Cebisile (Gcina Mkhize) is a childhood sweetheart from his hometown in KwaZulu-Natal with whom he has two daughters.
Second wife, Dumile (Nokuthula Ledwaba) is a much younger city girl who has no children yet, although Mnqobi is yearning for a son. The peace and equilibrium of the family is shattered when Mnqobi introduces his possible third wife-to-be: Khwezi (Nomzamo Mbatha).
According to the producer, Bianca Isaac of Quizzical Picture, this is a dark, brooding Zulu drama about a polygamous household who get more than they bargained for. “Against the backdrop of this grand series arc, we will also examine the more mundane dramas and comedies of life in a polygamous family: the petty jealousy, irritating squabbles, buried resentment and deep-seated issues that will not remain suppressed,” said Isaac.
Monde Twala, managing Director for etv Channels Division describes the series as an authentic showcase of South African culture.
You can watch Umlilo every Monday at 9pm on eTV.