Financial emergencies can wreak havoc on any budget. Sometimes we face challenges that may leave us financially strung out and searching for other options. Borrowing money from friends or family may be a choice you no longer have. Maybe you’ve approached your bank and they’ve flat out refused to help you. Execupawn is an institution that can provide an alternative form of finance.
Execupawn is an instant loan provider that specialises in pawnbroking services.
With Execupawn you can get instant loans against gold and platinum jewellery, selected branded watches and other items of value.
Tell me more about the Execupawn pawnbroking service?
You bring your items to the store and Execupawn will appraise them free of charge. They will then calculate how much you can borrow against them.
The loan term is a 30 day contact which you have the option of renewing for an extended period.
Once you accept the loan offer, you will need to provide:
Your valid South African ID or passport or drivers ‘licence to complete the loan agreement
Small loan amounts are paid out in cash or via EFT immediately.
It always helps to bring the goods in their original packaging, as this can help you get a better price.
Pawned items must be complete and in good working order.
Cameras, video recorders and laptops must be complete with software, download cables, chargers and manuals.
Execupawn is registered with the National Credit Regulator and all of its processes are transparent. Clients are given quality service with confidentiality. The institution works in liaison with the SAPS to ensure that goods are not stolen items.
To contact Execupawn call; 011 476 7766 or email