Justice League is an upcoming American superhero film based in the DC Comics world. The Zack Snyder-directed film features an ensemble cast including Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Gal Gadot, Ezra Miller, Jason Momoa, Ray Fisher and Ciaran Hinds.
Scheduled for a November 17 2017 release, the film also stars Willem Defoe, Jesse Eisenberg, Jeremy Irons and Diane Lane. The release of the film has been scheduled to coincide with the day the animated series Justice League (2001) first aired sixteen years earlier.
Filming began in April 2016 at Warner Bros Studios, as well as various locations around London, Scotland, Los Angeles and Ireland.
Fueled by his restored faith in humanity and inspired by Superman’s selfless act, Bruce Wayne enlists the help of his new-found ally, Diana Prince (Wonder Woman) to face an even greater enemy.
The duo assembles a team consisting of The Flash, Aquaman, Cyborg and the newly resurrected Superman to face the catastrophe threat of Steppen Wolf and his army of Parademons.
Gal Gadot, who also starred in the Fast and the Furious series told reporters that she’d practised Kung Fu, Kick boxing, sword fighting, ju jitsu and capoeira as part of her physical preparation of the role.
What we know so far about Justice League:
A second Justice League movie is in the works, set for a 2019 release.
The movie isn’t likely to earn an R-rating. There is likely to be some intense violence and a few swear words that pop up here and there.
Superman is resurrected in the film. We don’t quite yet know how though.
In addition to appearing on camera as the Caped Crusader Batman, Ben Affleck was also named as executive producer. So he’ll have some creative input behind the scenes.
Visit www.justiceleaguethemovie.com to have a look at the trailer and for some behind the scenes footage.