Reward cards are there to reward a store’s repeat customer and help businesses keep more customers coming back for longer. Hence you’re rewarded for your loyalty through the stores Loyalty Programme.
And with the state of the economy being the way it is rewards card teach you how to stretch your money as humanly possible and make it go a long way.
In South Africa there has been a significant rise in popularity for owning and whipping out a rewards card from your purse and swiping it to earn points. And usually some shoppers keep accumulating their points until they are in a certain value or to keep for when times are really tough. They will then redeem their points, and buy whatever they need without having to pay a cent. Reward cards are like that emergency savings account in your wallet for your monthly expenses.
And SA’s top rewards cards include Pick n Pay Smart Shopper, Woolworths WRewards, Clicks ClubCard, Dischem Loyalty Benefit Programme, FNB eBucks, Spur Family card and Edgars Thank U card.
Rewards cards help you as a consumer to get the best value for your money when shopping. You can either get discounts on already discounted items or swap your points for goods in stores or for cash to purchase airtime maybe or shop when there are specials to earn extra points.
Also earn points for using your reward card at any of the stores that your loyalty programme has partnered with whether it’s booking your travel online with your loyalty programmes partner store or service provider, grocery shopping or filling up your petrol tank at a particular petrol station to continue earning points on your rewards card through using their partner store or services.