Have you ever needed extra cash for car repairs, for outstanding school fees or even for a wedding? With RCS you can get just the right loan solution for your needs. The core purpose of RCS is to “enhance peoples’ lifestyles and to protect their financial security through innovative, desirable and accessible credit solutions”. Offering personal loans of up to R125 000, RCS strives to provide decisions in seconds.
Why choose to get No paper loans from RCS?
You get to benefit from fixed monthly instalments
With fixed monthly payments you get to enjoy the benefit of being able to budget better at the end of the month. This way, you know exactly how much you need to repay and your instalments are not affected by fluctuating interest rates.
You get cash in your account within 24 hours
No paper loans from RCS ensure that you have a quick turnaround rate
Fast, easy, paperless process
You don’t have to fill in stacks of paperwork to apply. All you have to do is upload all necessary details online.
Free monthly statement via email or SMS
RCS is completely transparent, so you know exactly how much you owe.
Customer Protection Insurance
This insurance covers your debt in the unfortunate event of your death, permanent disability or retrenchment.
Interest rate is charged at a maximum of 28% per annum
RCS is fully compliant with the National Credit Act (NCA) so interest rates are charged in accordance with regulations.
What you need to apply:
- Be at least 18 years old
- Have a valid South African ID
- Earn a minimum of R2000 per month
- Have an active bank account
- Provide your latest 3 months’ bank statements
Once you have been approved for the loan, you have the freedom to use it however you choose.
To contact RCS, call: 0861 729 727
Visit www.rcs.co.za