You a few steps away to getting your hands on a Bluebean credit card and gaining access to this variety of credit cards options available to best suit your lifestyle.
Apply for credit online with Bluebean credit card application form by visiting their website and clicking on the Apply Now link. This should take you to the page with another Apply now link, click on that and should open a page to this application form. Fill it out and you’ll be well on your way to get busy living with a Bluebean credit card.
BlueBean is part of a division of Standard Bank and these credit cards are in a class of their own firstly based on the affordability of the credit cards. As the minimum monthly income for the Believe, Aspire and Gold Bluebean credit card is R4000 with Bluebean Zenith being the highest at R20 000.
All the cards under the Bluebean division carry a no initiation fee; a balance transfer option is available upon account opening as well as special offers. Basic automatic travel insurance is included, which provides cover for personal accident’s, emergency medical expenses as well as assistance service.
As for those who like to travel it’s good to know that you’ll also receive free international emergency card replacement and that the card can be used worldwide where the MasterCard logo is displayed.
Cool and fun features that come standard with these credit cards. Is that unlike any other credit card on the market, for a fee of R112 all Bluebean cards allow you to have a picture of your choice on the front of the card, making it that bit more personal.
And that the Classic credit card provided by Bluebean comes with a contactless payment system. This is one of the simplest and safest ways of making transactions under R200, just tap and go it’s that simple.