Generally, countries with the highest GDP per capita often have the best paid leaders.
As of 2016, the title of the most paid President in the world goes to none other than US President Barack Obama, who is currently serving the last few months of his second term in office.
Earning $400 000 annually, Obama also gets a tax-free expense account worth $50 000. One of the perks he gets is a $19 000 account for entertainment, in addition to a non-taxable travel account.
Since 2001, the US has capped the American Presidential salary at $400 000. This amounts to $234,84 per hour for a forty hour work week.
According to Fin24:
“The US’s Barack Obama is good value at $23.06. (Comparing the leader’s salary with the size of the economy they run – how many dollars each President is paid for every $1bn of their nation’s Gross Domestic Product.)”
As the most paid President in the world, President Obama pays for personal, family and guest dry cleaning and food, while benefits include free transportation in the presidential limousine, Marine One and Air Force One and free housing in the White House.
He also earns royalties from his book deals.
At the end of their presidential terms, American presidents get $200 000 annual pension, healthcare, paid official travel as well as an office.
How much do other world leaders earn?
Canadian leader Justin Trudeau earns $260 000 annually.
Germany’s Angela Merkel earns an annual salary of $242 000.
Japan’s Shinzo Abe earns $241 250 annually.
Jacob Zuma of South Africa earns $206 600 annually.
France’s Francois Hollande earns $198 700.
The United Kingdom’s newly-elected Theresa May earns $186 119.
Russia’s Vladimir Putin earns an annual salary of $137 650.
Italian leader Matteo Renzi makes $120 000 annually.