“Shark Tank” is a highly successful American reality television series that premiered on August 9, 2009 on ABC. The program shows aspiring entrepreneur contestants making business presentations to a panel of “shark” investors, who then choose whether or not to invest.
Entrepreneurship is challenging. One of the biggest stumbling blocks faced by entrepreneurs is that of funding. Television shows like Shark Tank provide solutions for such challenges, while also ensuring that entrepreneurs are shown the merits and disadvantages of their business ventures. The rich “sharks” are known to provide advice that is relevant to the various business ideas, while also reinforcing the reality and pitfalls of entrepreneurship.
Produced by Mark Burnett, and currently in its seventh season, Shark Tank is a Primetime Emmy Award winning show.
A large part of the show’s winning formula is because of the rich Shark Tank television show hosts, who are paid for their participation. The money that they invest on business ideas is their own however.
More about rich Shark Tank Television Show Hosts:
Mark Cuban
Owner of the NBA’s Dallas Mavericks, Cuban has an estimated net worth of over $3 billion. He has invested a total of $19 400 000 on Shark Tank.
Lori Greiner
Greiner has been called “the warm-blooded shark” and the “Queen of QVC.” She is worth an estimated $50 million.
Kevin O’Leary
O’Leary is a Canadian businessman, investor, journalist, writer, financial commentator and television personality. He has an estimated net worth of over $400 million.
Daymond John
John is the founder, president and CEO of FUBU, the clothing brand which is now worth an estimated $6 billion.
He joined Shark Tank in 2009 and has an estimated net worth of $250 million. He has also invested $7 667 000 in Shark Tank projects.