SA Pawn Stars is a television show based on the operations of leading pawn shop, Cash Inn, founded by Roy Peretz in 2009. While pawn shops had a negative image generally, in the past, nowadays they are becoming increasingly popular.
This institution is one of many pawnshops across the world, which are experiencing a revolution in popularity.
Another factor that has improved the image of pawn shops such as Cash Inn Pawn Shop is the popularity of TV shows like Pawn Stars. These shows have helped individuals get an inner view into how pawn shops operate and help to legitimise operations for the ordinary consumer.
In the past, pawn shops were regarded in a negative light by many consumers, due to unscrupulous business dealings as well as a general lack of understanding about how the business operates.
Peretz and his team on SA Pawn Stars have an unparalleled reputation for honesty and fair dealings.
The company deals in gold, diamonds, jewellery, cars, boats and memorabilia.
The store was founded after Peretz and his partners felt there was a critical need for “a type of bank for people who don’t have a bank account”.
The store boasts a high rate of repeat customers as a result of its excellent service and quality customer service provided.
Pawn shops are becoming increasingly popular as people are looking for easy deals and quick cash solutions to their most pressing financial needs. The landscape has changed in recent years, allowing more companies easy entrance into the market.
How does it work?
- Loans are provided for a maximum of 30 days.
- There are no credit checks done, as the pawn shop will rely on the asset that you are providing in exchange for access to cash.
- Interest charged will only be for the period that you have actually borrowed the money.
- The loan plus interest must be paid in order to reclaim your pawn.
- All loan transactions must be made in person.
SA Pawn Stars Contact Details:
011 325- 7777 or 083 610 0209