Purchasing a car and any other valuable asset is very costly, thus people mostly rely on financial services providers to source the much needed cash. Providing vehicle and asset related loans to people are the prerogative of banks, doing that is business to them.
Standard Bank Group has in place a facility that caters for the above called Standard Bank Vehicle and Asset Finance. The firm has trained consultants who can assist clients by designing a funding package that suits a client’s needs.
The Standard Bank Vehicle and Asset Finance has the following features:
Competitive fixed and variable interest rates
A dedicated team of experts to assist you in buying the asset
Flexible repayments terms can be structured to your requirements
The facility enables you to finance the assets you can afford now
Costs incurred in this facility include an initiation fee and service fee.
Clients who apply for finance should know that the following conditions apply:
Minimum amount you borrow is R40 000
Vehicle or asset must be insured for the life time of the loan and minimum repayment period is 12 months
Approved applications which are not taken up will lapse 30 days after the date of approval
Clients can apply for this facility online by filling a form. But it’s important to read the terms and conditions that apply under this service.