A keyword is generally a word or phrase that is a topic of significance. Searchers use keywords as a way to identify and verbalize their problem or topic in which they’re looking for more information.
How does it work?
Your SEO keywords are the key words and phrases in your web content that make it possible for people to find your site via search engines. A website that is well optimized for search engines “speaks the same language” as its potential visitor base with keywords for SEO that help connect searchers to your site.
How do I find out what keywords to use?
To use this tool you do need a Google AdWords account. Once you have that set up log into Google Adwords, and this will be your Google AdWords home page. Once you’re here, click on the tools and analysis button at the top. Then, click Keyword Planner.
Why key words are so important?
Keywords are very important for every business website as they drive targeted web traffic to your business for free. … Keywords are the words and phrases that Internet users type into search box of a search engine, such as Google, to find what websites that match what are looking for.
What are examples of keywords?
A keyword outline is used when giving a speech or presentation. It includes the main ideas of what is to be communicated in a manner that is much shorter than the actual word-for-word speech.
What is the Google keyword tool?
Google’s keyword tool was created for Adwords users, but it’s also very useful for people who don’t use Adwords. The competition rating (high, medium or low) given in that column refers to the level of competition (i.e. the number of people bidding for a keyword) within Adwords.