Are you under a lot of pressure financially because of yet another petrol price hike? Or maybe you have to pay for an unexpected medical bill after suddenly falling ill mid-month. You could go to your best friend to ask for a loan, but maybe he’s not able to help you this time. Maybe you’ve tried applying at your local bank, but found that it would take far too long for you to be able to access the funds you need urgently.
If this happened 20 years ago, you would have been facing quite a huge dilemma. Fortunately the financial industry in South Africa has undergone a number of changes throughout the years. These changes have provided South Africans with more options in terms of lending institutions they can approach to get financial assistance.
Spot Cash is a micro lending institution which has more than 20 years’ experience in offering customised, non-traditional lending solutions and stress-free credit.
With Spot Cash you are promised easy short term loan solutions and you get to choose exactly how much you want to borrow and you decide on when to settle the loan.
How to apply:
- Visit the website and use the online widget to calculate the costs of the loan
- You will be informed of the cost immediately
- If you are happy with the amount, you can apply by submitting your banking and personal details for legal purposes
- You will get an instant decision on your application
- If you are approved, the loan amount will be deposited directly into your account within 24 hours.
- Repayments can be arranged via debit order
How much can you get?
A maximum of R2750 can be loaned.
Spot Cash is a member of MicroFinance South Africa and the National Credit Regulator and subscribes to responsible lending practices. Loans that are granted are based on individual affordability.
What are the qualifying criteria?
- Be older than 18 years
- Be a South African resident
- Earn a monthly salary
- Provide details of your active bank account
Visit the Spot Cash website here: