It’s often challenging to find a healthy eating plan that suits your needs. With so many fad diets out there, it can be confusing knowing which ones may be worth your time.
Different diets offer particular benefits and have certain disadvantages as well. While some may offer rapid weight loss solutions, the side effects alone may put you off, leaving you swearing off going on another diet ever again. Others may genuinely give you the results you need – which usually involves fast weight loss, with the least effort.
The British Dietetic Association recently reviewed a number of popular diets of the year 2015. Here’s what you need to know about the pros and cons of each:
5:2 diet
This diet is based on a principle known as intermittent fasting. On this diet, you eat for 5 days a week and fast on the other 2 days. A benefit offered by this diet is that it reduces the possibility of you developing chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes. It can also lead to reductions in body fat and insulin resistance. Intermittent fasting has been shown to have positive results for many people.
Dukan diet
This is a low-carb, high protein diet with various phases. It promotes very quick weight loss, but isn’t suitable on a long-term basis. This diet is a low-fat, low-salt, high-protein foods diet.
The low-fat and low-salt aspects of this diet are commendable and the increased protein content helps to increase your metabolism, which aids fast weight loss.
New Atkins diet
This is a fast way of losing weight by lowering the amount of carbs you eat. It also involves various phases, and is similar to the original Atkins diet. On this diet you cut out processed carbs and alcohol.
For successful long term weight loss it’s often best to combine healthy eating with regular exercise.