Expenditure is at the heart of any business enterprise. Using a broad definition, expenditure can be described as money spent on something, in other words, it is an outflow of money to another. For purposes of accountability and good business management, It is important for you to be able to cross-reference your records to your expenditure figures if asked.The importance of this in the world of business is what prompted Absa which is one of the biggest banks in South Africa to introduce the Absa corporate data tools. One of them worth mentioning is the Luminance travel solution.
Absa luminance data solution enables you to view,manage and administer all your corporate travel data in a centralised online reporting system. Luminance allows you to complete administration and maintenance, edit user profile rights as to what they are able to see, configure menus on the fly, view hierarchy data, configure reporting options, do expense management, effect cost allocation, acquire manager approval, upload receipts, complete data extracts and reporting, send email notifications, do chart reporting and define user views.
Through the management information and data integration, managers can review individual travel transactions and approve cost allocations of transactions, corporates can now analyse the big picture or look more closely at specific and detailed transactions.You also get convenient access to airline data, car rental data, linen item data, hotel data, financial data, matching stats, preferred suppliers, cardholder summaries, corporate summaries, travel spend summaries, ad hoc reporting and BI pivot grids.
To access the Absa Luminance Travel Solution, Absa can be contacted on 0861462273.