Absa Credit Cards are financial solutions that give you the convenience of having access to money anytime you want. With Absa Credit Cards you are able to get benefits from a wide range of discounts and other extras included.
Getting a credit card can be quite helpful for emergencies. When you’ve run out of money mid-month and you have no plan B, it may be worthwhile considering getting a credit card. But don’t just get any credit card; get an Absa Credit Card. You can get the ideal solution to suit your particular needs and can use it to pay for items or services when you don’t have enough cash available. Absa Credit Cards are a great way of meeting your financial goals while getting extra benefits in the process.
Classic Credit Card:
This card is available to individuals who are above the age of 18 years with a valid South African I.D. To apply, individuals must supply proof of residence and have a minimum monthly income of R2000 per month. Classic credit card holders are also able to benefit from automatic travel insurance, full ATM facility access as well as eStatements sent to them every month for free.
Silver Credit Card:
To qualify for this credit card you must earn a minimum salary of R4000 per month and you get reduced monthly service fees. With this card you also have the option of a Garage card with a repayment period of 6 to 48 months.
Platinum Credit Card:
To qualify for this option you need to earn more than R25 000 per month. Purchase protection is included and you get access to secondary cards. You also get free garage cards and you can benefit from discounts when shopping from Visa or MasterCard.
To find out more about Absa Credit Cards visit your nearest branch.
You can also visit their website: www.absa.co.za