Getting a loan from Bayport Financial Services is very easy. People can get a personal loan of up to R100 000. The money can be used to pay off debts, go on holiday or pay for tuition. Bayport Financial Services ensures a smooth application process thus ensuring that their clients are happy. Clients are also able to budget better because there is a fixed interest rate throughout the loan term. This way, clients pay the same amount throughout the loan term.
By filing in an easy online application form, clients can have the money deposited into their accounts quickly. After completing the form, a consultant will call them back to get the client’s full details in order to process the application. Red tape is avoided and clients don’t have to go to a branch to apply for a loan. Clients applying for a personal loan from Bayport Financial Services must be of legal age, permanently employed and must have a healthy credit record.
Bayport Financial Services also offers short term loans of up to R10 000. This is also an online application and is perfect for a rainy day. Clients have to create an online profile on Bayport Financial Service’s portal. Once the account is verified the client receives a loan offer from Bayport Financial Services. The client has to complete the form and within minutes will be approved. Like any financial institution, Bayport will require the clients to produce documents such as payslip, bank statements, and identification, which can all be loaded online.
Bayport Financial Services ensures that their clients’ online information is protected and will not be shared with third parties. For more information and to apply for a Bayport Financial Services loan, clients can visit, send an email to or call 0861 056 056.