Bidvest Bank Loans are ideal for business finance needs. As an entrepreneur it’s common to incur a lot of financial problems. Bidvest Bank Loans may be highly useful here. In addition, the institution offers repayment schedules to suit your business needs. An individual business assessment based on the company’s financial standing and creditworthiness is conducted prior to any lending.
This is to ensure that your business is in good financial standing and that you will afford to make repayments comfortably and on time.
Bidvest Bank has over 100 branches nationwide and is a niche bank servicing individuals and businesses. The institution also specialises in money management.
Owning a business comes with a lot of opportunities and challenges. It’s not unusual for most businesses to seek finance for start-up costs or for general running costs. Approaching the right kind of lender is imperative. It’s advantageous to find a lender such as Bidvest Bank which provides Bidvest Bank Loans that are specifically designed to meet business finance requirements.
What can you get from Bidvest Bank Loans?
Asset-based finance:
This includes rental finance, instalment sale, full maintenance and commercial property finance as well as finance for medical equipment.
Working Capital:
Bidvest understands the challenges faced by entrepreneurs when starting up. For this reason, Bidvest Bank Loans offer working capital loans which are designed to help with the company’s day-to-day operational expenses.
General banking facilities:
In addition to credit solutions, Bidvest offers general banking facilities for individuals as well as businesses. As a business owner, Bidvest can create tailor-made solutions for your specific business needs.
Bidvest is a leading financial services provider. Through all of its operations, the bank ensures that criteria prescribed by the National Credit Act apply.
Contact Bidvest and enquire about Bidvest Bank Loans by calling: 0860 11 11 77.
You can also simply visit their website here: