Drainage plays an integral part in sustaining agriculture in many ways. In this regard, farmers, both commercial and subsistence, employ this system in their farming activities with the thrust of obtaining better yields. Discussed below, are some of the ways drainage can help to maintain agriculture:
The reason of agricultural drainage is to get rid of excess water from the soil in order to boost crop production. In some soils, the natural drainage processes are enough for growth and production of agricultural crops. This is different in many other soils which require artificial drainage for efficient agricultural production.
As such, many farmers ought to employ surface drainage with the thrust of removing water that collects on the land surface. Quite a number of fields have depressions where water ponds. To eradicate such a challenge, surface drainage techniques need to be employed. This includes measures such as land levelling, constructing surface inlets to subsurface drains, and the construction of shallow ditches or waterways. Such will enable water to leave the field rather than causing prolonged wet areas.
Drainage and Farmers
Farmers can also usePoorly drained area in crop field will damage yields. Subsurface drainage gets rid of excess water from the soil profile, usually through a network of perforated tubes installed 2 to 4 feet below the soil surface. These tubes are commonly called “tiles” because they were originally made from short lengths of clay pipes known as tiles. Water would seep into the small spaces between the tiles and drains away.