Home contents insurance generally covers possessions you’d take with you when moving house, or anything that isn’t a fixed feature of your home. This type of insurance is specifically designed to provide protection for your possessions. In some cases you may be covered for some extras too.
Why do you need home contents insurance?
This type of insurance covers the financial cost of replacing your home contents. With the unpredictable nature of life, accidents occur, natural disasters occur and you may become a victim of theft. Should any of these happen chances are that you may find yourself facing financial ruin – unless you are adequately insured.
It’s important to make sure that you don’t underinsure yourself when stating the replacement value of your goods.
Why choose to get home contents insurance with Nedbank?
Home contents insurance with Nedbank provides cover for the valuables inside your home. The institution offers basic and comprehensive household insurance options, Furthermore, a cost-effective solution would be to combine household contents and vehicle insurance.
With Nedbank, the cost of data recovery is covered should your computer crash, along with the loss of important documents.
By getting home contents insurance you are able to get cover against theft, intentional damage to your valuables, as well as damage caused by a power surge or a burst geyser.
The cover that you get should be inflation-linked to ensure that your contents won’t be under-insured.
Tips for getting home contents insurance
It’s important to spend some time researching policies so you can choose the best one. Don’t assume that all insurance policies are created equal. Read carefully about how the company will determine the “amount of loss” or how they will assess your home content’s value.
It’s always a good idea to retain some invoice or receipt as proof of any of your home contents. You can always present these if you have to make any insurance claims.
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