It is certainly an awful time when money becomes a problem and expenses need to be paid, or an unforeseen expense arises. It’s a tough situation to get out of especially is payday is not around the corner. FinChoice, a subsidiary of the HomeChoice Group, provides the perfect solution for any financial problem that their customers may face. With the assistance of FinChoice, customers can get a loan that suits their needs without the hassle of forms or travelling.
Applications take minutes and customers can do everything online. KwikAdvance is ideal for customers who have a financial crisis that needs immediate attention without the worry of monthly instalments. With KwikAdvance, customers can get a small loan from R100 to R 2000 which will be deposited into their accounts within 24 hours. The loan is payable on their next payday. This loan is for HomeChoice customers who have a South African bank account and ID number and also live in South Africa.
The flexi loan is perfect for customers who need short term financial assistance. This product is ideal because customers will not be tied to a lengthy loan agreement as this is a six month loan. The flexi loan offers a convenient flexible payment structure and customers can take less than the offered amount. Customers with bigger expenses can get a personal loan of up to R25 000, payable in lower instalments of 12 or 24 months.
Customers can also take out another loan at any time, as long as they have sufficient funds and their financial situation hasn’t changed. For those difficult months FinChoice gives customers one month to skip payment for the flexi loan and two months in 12 months for the personal loan. The FinChoice Personal Protection Plan gives customers peace of mind in the event of death, disability or retrenchment.
To get more information and apply, customers can visit or call 0861 346 246.