During our normal day-to-day activity, our bodies burn a certain number of calories. To burn more calories a day you can exercise, which will help you lose weight. The trick is to know how many calories you need to burn off while exercising so that you can maximise on your exercise routine.
An important thing to consider is that the number of calories you consume should be low. You should monitor your food intake and also create a calorie deficit through physical activity.
It takes 60 minutes of aerobics and brisk walking for a person weighing 69 kilograms to burn 460 to 480 calories, according to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention.
A safe amount of weight to lose per week is about 1 kilogram for the average adult. To lose 0.5 kg per week, you will need to lose 500 calories per day. Also make sure that you try to lower your calorie intake gradually.
The internet has made things much easier on so many levels. Why not take advantage of the help available for your weight loss journey? There are numerous calorie counters available online which can help you see how calories you are truly eating on a daily basis. Seeing the numbers like this can often be an eye-opening experience.
In addition, cutting calories should be something you do with proper consideration of the foods you eat. It’s important to cut out refined sugar and your saturated fat intake. Try to find ways to maintain a calorie deficit in the long term, without leaving you feeling starved.
For example, eating more protein can reduce appetite and cut cravings by 60%. This could help you increase the amount of calories you burn because this simple change increases your metabolic rate.
Consult with a nutritionist to get professional help regarding the right kind of eating plan to successfully lower your calorie intake daily.