Maravedi Personal Loans are affordable solutions for when you need help with making it through a challenging month. Life isn’t perfect and sometimes situations come up which push us to find alternative solutions to problems. Running out of money in the middle of the month or having an unexpected expense to deal with can be quite stressful. Having the option of taking out a personal loan however, can simplify things significantly. Considering a Maravedi Personal Loans application may be just what you need.
Tell me more about Maravedi Personal Loans
Personal loans are offered from R1000 up to a maximum of R25 000. You can use the amount you are approved for however you wish. You can use it to pay for your wedding plans, for your university tertiary fees or even for a holiday you’ve been planning on for a while.
You have the flexibility of getting to choose a repayment term of between 3 and 24 months. This way, depending on your financial standing you can pay at a rate that will be comfortable for you and at which you will be able to repay the Maravedi on time.
You are also given the option of an educational loan of up to R50 000. This can be used to pay for tuition fees, accommodation, textbooks as well as other study-related costs.
What do I need to qualify for Maravedi Personal Loans?
- Be older than the age of 18 years
- Have a valid South African I.D
- Be employed for at least 3 months at your current employer
- Have a minimum gross monthly salary of R2500
The application process is made simple and can be done by calling the Maravedi Personal Loans call centre. A consultant will help you through the process step-by-step.
Contact Maravedi Personal Loans by calling: 086 222 765.