Real People Loans are unsecured short and long term loans with varying minimum and maximum loan amounts. This institution specialises in providing financial solutions for South Africans, helping them meet their financial obligations and aspirations.
When you are searching for a personal loan, it’s likely that you are looking for a solution that considers your individual needs. Real People understands that each individual has unique needs and provides loan solutions tailored to meet these needs. In life we aren’t always able to anticipate events. Sometimes the unexpected may occur which may cause considerable financial distress. This may be in the form of a death in the family or even a health issue that may rack up hefty medical bills. By getting a personal loan from Real People Loans you have a different option for meeting your financial needs and obligations even if you don’t have the cash you need.
Short Term Loans:
Real People Loans provide up to R5000 in short term solutions and up to R6000 for repeat customers. Repayment terms are flexible, giving clients 1, 3 or 6 months to repay. Ideal for unexpected circumstances these short term solutions are offered at the most affordable rates.
Long Term Loans:
These loans are Top up Personal loans designed for repeat customers. Ideal for long term endeavours such as home renovations, these loans are provided in partnership with various building companies. The loan is loaded onto a card which can be used to make purchases at partner organisations that specialise in selling building materials. No initiation fees are charged on this loan.
To apply for a loan, you can simply visit any Real People Loans branch. In addition, the institution provides debt consolidation options for clients.
Contact Real People Loans by emailing: You can also call 0861 10 17 24.