Thinking about renovating your home? Or perhaps you’d like to further your education but don’t have the means to. Wesbank Loans is a financial services provider which has the ideal solution. Its CashPower Personal Loans is designed to provide individuals with personalised solutions to financial crises.Subject to credit approval, Wesbank personal loans are approved only if its determined that clients will be able to repay the amount comfortably. Forming part of the largest financial services group in Africa, Wesbank has a multitude of experience. Its over 40 years of experience in the asset finance field has served it well towards becoming recognised as a trusted and reliable credit provider.
Offered in partnership with Direct Axis, Wesbank gives clients power in their hands through its personal loans facility. Clients can borrow a minimum of R5000 and up to a maximum of R150 000, with fixed repayments over the full term of the loan. Repayment terms range from 24 months to 6 years and the loans are subject to the National Credit Act. No collateral is required from applicants, but proof of monthly income is. Applicants need to earn a minimum monthly salary of R4500 and need to have clear credit references. They will also need to present a South African I.D, their banking details and proof of residence.
The loans are processed fast through an online or telephonic application process. A Customer Protection Plan is included, which protects clients in the cases of death, permanent disability and certain dread diseases. It also covers temporary disability and retrenchment.
For a fast, directed approach to cash flow problems, contact Wesbank on: 0861 238 252.