Applying for finance does not have to be a tedious task, especially if cash is needed urgently. Whether it’s to pay for children’s school fees, plan a vacation or wedding, obtaining the funds has never been easier with FinBond Mutual Bank. Products offered by FinBond Mutual Bank are designed to meet the customer’s needs and the response period is almost instant.
FinBond Mutual Bank offers three types of loans. For people requiring short-term loans, this option is made available and people can get from R100, with repayment periods of 30 to 120 days. Medium term loans have a repayment period of six months and customers can get a loan of up to R7 000. Long term loans range from R8 000 to R20 000 and are repayable in 12 to 24 months. The best part is that there is no security needed when applying for a FinBond Mutual Bank loan.
The application process is easy, fast and customers get immediate cash pay outs. Applying for a loan at one of FinBond Micro Finance’s 278 branches guarantees a turn-around time of approximately 30 to 45 minutes which online applications take approximately three to five days. When applying, people need to provide ID, three months’ bank statements, latest payslip and proof of address.
Call 0860 44 22 11 or 012 460 7288 to get in touch with FinBond Mutual Bank or visit to get more information.